Cyprus Avenue supporting The Altered Hours .... "Pretty Happy are a diamond in the rough ... surely destined for bigger things” - Lauren Murphy, Sunday Times"
ViewPhotographs taken in those few oppurtunties during the last year or so of lockdowns .... a time that has disrupted so universally but a music scene that has so much potential in it's return
ViewPhotographs from the mid 2000's of the venues and pubs of Cork city and some county .... just after the Lobby closed and the Quad, Bróg, Crane Lane and Cyprus Avenue had consistently great gigs
ViewTake camera .... walk .... repeat .... mostly birds with some flowers and a ladybird in amongst the leaves. If I have one goal in photography, it is to further develop my skills of capturing birds in flight
ViewSometimes ideas present themselves and stay with you ... and these images have hung around .... I'm not yet sure if they have fully formed, but I like them
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